Kyoto Summer School for me

Japan was a far away from me. I had going to Japan as my dream since i was a kid. I only thought that it’s only my sweet dream and never make it comes true. I’m not a super rich student nor super genius. It was impossible and unreachable dream.

But suddenly there was Kyoto Summer School. You don’t have to be a super student to join the program. You only need having strong commitment for learning new things. I have that commitment. And I know this was my turn. I got very excited. I almost thought that it still a dream. I was nervous. I thought Japan is a super country and all Japanese are super genius.

But actually it is not. Globalization push Japan for losing its traditional houses. Many Kyo-Machiya disappeared. The same problems that happen in Indonesia. I’m a little bit disappointed with Japan which not as great as I thought before.

I also thought that all Japanese are genius and I can’t understand them because I’m not genius at all. But in reality I found that they are all humans like me. We were learning new things, laughing for funny things, playing water in Kamo River, and drawing scenes for our drama. I met best friend who never ever I forget in my entire life. The hardest part was saying goodbye. We had long and warm hug. We cried together while thinking that maybe we can’t ever meet anymore. She got my promise to coming back to Japan and meet her once more.

Kyoto Summer School taught me many things. There is no impossible dream. Everything is possible. The inferior i felt for Japan and other countries was only in my mind. Many countries can face the same problems. Friendship can happen even you can’t understand every single words from each other, friendship is not only created by words, but also by heart.
I never forget Kyoto Summer School.

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